Home > news > Method for sticking laser film glue on surface of pressed flower card
Method for sticking laser film glue on surface of pressed flower card
- 2019-12-02-

Method of sticking laser film glue on the surface of pressed flower card:

Bending paste

Put two Japanese paper tapes under the paper jam as decoration

Hold the pressed flower with tweezers and design the card to reflect

Pay attention to the small amount of glue applied to the flowers, a little is enough. The flowers are usually spotted in the center of the back; the leaves can be spotted a little bit on the petiole.

For small flowers, such as forget-me-not, you can place a little glue on the location where you want to paste, and then put the flowers on.

Cut a transparent adhesive film that is slightly larger than the work. The demonstration here is a non-reflective transparent film from the United States, which is currently used as a laser film adhesive with a better effect of pressing.

Remove the release paper on the back of the film

Put the released release paper on the front of the film, which is helpful to prevent the film from being charged with static electricity and attracting flowers.

Bend the two ends with the adhesive film facing down, close to the pressed flower in the middle, compare the good position, put down the adhesive film

The film will naturally hang on the surface of the pressed card. Press the surface of the film once to make it stick tighter, and press the edge of the flower to make it tightly combined with the film.

Such a simple flower-punching small card is completed and can be used as a heart card attached to a gift.